Saturday 19 November 2016

Anna Hazare backs PM Modi’s note ban, says ”for gain you need to go through pain”

Earlier too, Anna appreciated the move and said that it could very well lead to the beginning of a 'new Indian marching towards a corruption-free society'.

Demonetisation, Anna Hazare, Narendra Modi, Black Money, Social Activist, Anna on Note Ban, Cash Crisis, BJP, Corruption-free India, electoral reforms
Earlier too, Anna appreciated the move and said that it could very well lead to the beginning of a ‘new Indian marching towards a corruption-free society’. (Source: Express Photo)

In a recent interaction with the media, anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare has recently said that those who are opposing the demonetisation move are probably the one with black money. He also said that majority of the people in the country are happy with government’s revolutionary initiative to curb corruption and black money. He also said that there is bound to be inconvenience for sometime until the circulation of new currency notes get back to normal.
He backed PM Narendra Modi’s demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes by saying, “To gain, you need to go through pain.” Anna also called the demonetisation drive a historic decision made by Modi government.
Earlier too, Anna appreciated the move and said that it could very well lead to the beginning of a ‘new Indian marching towards a corruption-free society’. The 79-years old social activists also suggested the government for its next move by seeking electoral reforms to check black money in the poll process.
Also earlier while speaking to The Indian Express, Anna said that the decision to ban the circulation of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes is the first step, which would help in wiping out black money and putting brakes on illegal financial operations to the terror organisations. The decision will also help in tackling the fake currency in circulation.
However, Anna has also warned the government for its decision to issue new currency notes of Rs 2,000 denomination as it could be that one loophole to generate black money in the coming future.
The corruption crusader, from the very beginning, has raised demands for discontinuing the higher denomination notes as smaller denominations force the sections, who always dodge the system, to become more answerable towards their financial records and earnings.

In an interview, well-known social activist and Gandhian, Anna Hazare hailed Prime Minister Narendra Modi as a clean leader and said that he should make the nation free from all sorts of corruption. Anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare on Thursday lauded the Centre for its “bold and revolutionary” decision of demonetising Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes, saying it will curb black money.
“This revolutionary step will curb black money, corruption and terrorism (funding) to a large extent,” Hazare told PTI.
“The previous governments never showed the will to crackdown on black money. The present dispensation has taken a bold step and this will strengthen the democracy,” he said.Pointing out “discrepencies” in funding of political parties, the veteran social activist said the next course of action for the government should be to “clean up” the election process.
“Now the government should accept the challenge to eliminate black money from the poll process and politics as well by bringing in large electoral reforms,” he said, ahead of the Assembly elections scheduled in some states next year.
“PM Modi is clean leader and he is a NON CORRUPT LEADER. Steps like electoral reforms, decentralisation of power should be taken. Corruption had reached a zenith during the Congress rule which has witnessed a perceptible change since Narendra Modi’s election. The nation has to be rid of the malice of corruption.”.
Hazare advised the Modi government by saying, “My advice to the government is to restore the balance between industrial and agricultural development to solve the many problems facing the nation”

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